Martin Foessleitner: Informacijski dizajn

Subota, 4.7. u 18:00
Dizajn edukacija

Born in Vienna 1964, MA in Business Administration, has a 10 years management background in a Japanese company of the digital imaging business, first as a Product Manager in Eastern Europe and later as Marketing Director in Austria before he founded in 1999. The company‘s work applies information design in project branding, network development and community buiding. Martin is board member of the International Institute for Information Design (IIID) and of designaustria.

Teaching Information Design at the Sigmund Freud University for Psychology in Vienna and at the Danube University in Krems, he enjoys being part of the European Design Award jury and has a passion for japanese design as well as Italian espresso.


The International Institute for Information Design IIID
IIID was was founded in 1986 to develop research and practice in optimizing information and information systems in everyday life, business, education and science. Together with our members and friends around the globe we 1) develop information design as an independent interdisciplinary field of knowledge and professional practice, 2) document and to make generally accessible specifically relevant information, 4) carry out research within our possibilities and in co-operation with our members and 4) find new ways of educating information designers.

The IIIDaward on Information Design
The aim of IIID has always been to promote and expand information design knowledge and research. In 2011, the International Institute for Information Design celebrated its 25th anniversary. The time was ripe for us to acknowledge the best in what information design has to o er by introducing the IIID Awards. A er the inaugural year 2011 the competition will be held every three years with 2014 as the results are now available.

The IIIDaward Exhibition on Tour
The IIIDaward exhibition consisting of easy to take, compact 8 displays, presenting in total 48 of the awarded entries will be shown in Birmingham, Innsbruck, Bavaria, Vienna, Krems, Puglia, Riga, Zagreb, Split in 2015 and will move to Taipeh in 2016.

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The lecture is organized in partnership with Austrian Cultural Forum in Zagreb.